Thursday, March 12, 2020

Word Essays

Word Essays Word Essay Word Essay Test assesses your ability to use the language being tested by presenting questions via a computer. Questions appear on a screen and you answer them by clicking on a particular option or by typing in words or phrases. There are eight types of question and they assess listening, reading and grammar/ vocabulary skills. Reading and Language Knowledge Tasks (I) Read and Select Candidates are presented with a notice, diagram, label, memo or letter containing a worth text. They choose a phrase that most closely matches the meaning of the text. (it) Extended Reading Candidates read a longer text and answer a series of multiple choice questions based on it. The questions are presented in the same order as the information in the text. (ill) Multiple Choice Gap-fill Candidates choose the best word or phrase to fill gaps in a text. There are four choices for each gap. (v) Open Gap-fill Candidates complete blanks in a text by typing in the missing word. (v) Gaped Sentences Candidates complete gaps In a sentence by choosing the correct word or phrase. There are four choices for each gap. Listening Tasks (I) Listen and Select Candidates listen to a short recording and answer a short multiple choice question. (II) Listen and Select (Graphic) The same as above, but the choice Is between three pictures or Images. (Ill) Extended Listening Candidates listen to a longer recording and answer a series of multiple choice questions based on it. The questions are presented in the same order as the information is heard. You can hear the listening recordings twice. The Computer Test starts by testing a candidates Reading and Language Knowledge before starting the second section which Is the Listening part of the exam. The Computer Test is adaptive. This means that it adapts to your level. If you get questions right, it will give you more difficult ones. If you get questions wrong, it will give you easier ones. N. B. You can change your mind and change an answer you have selected. However, once you move on to the next task, you cant go back to a previous one. The Computer Test produces a report with the candidates overall score (on a scale of 0-100) and LATE and CHEF levels, and their score on each section. A test report form can be printed out from the test if the test administrator has selected this option, or a report can be printed from the administrators Supervisor program. How should you prepare for the Computer Test? The skills tested in the Computer Test are the same as in the Standard Test, and so you should read the blats candidate handbook | 2 The Computer Test 5 advice given in the section on the Standard Test. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the format of the Computer Test and the way you need to answer questions. A demonstration version of the Computer Test is available on the BLATS website: www. blats. Org. If you do not have access to this, you should ask your language trainer to obtain a Demonstration CD for the BLATS Computer Test, which also contains a demonstration test for you to try out. What should you do during the Test? Relax the test is designed to be easy to use. Some candidates lose marks because they misread instructions in their nervousness. Read the instructions carefully. Do not hurry answer questions carefully. Unlike the Standard Test you cannot review your answers before finishing the test. Some candidates lose marks because they race through the test. However, do not spend too long on a question generally, the first answer a candidate produces is the best one. Reading tasks do not require you to understand every single word in the text. Keep an eye on the progress indicator which shows how far through the test you are. Sample Questions Below are some sample screens showing questions taken from the Computer Test. It is not possible to produce sample questions for the whole test because it is adaptive, each test is therefore unique.